Sven Granse
Breite Str. 74, Germany 22767 Hamburg
- Energy Healing & Illuminations
- Extractions
- Rites of Protection
- Cord Cutting
- Trauma Work (Soul Retrieval, Sacred Shield Work, EMDR)
- Ancestral Healing
- Divination & Destiny Recovery
- Life Coaching
- Spirit Flight
- Dying Consciously (Great Death Spiral)
- Fire Ceremonies
- Gratitude Rituals (Despachos)
- House Clearing
Private Sessions in Hamburg, Germany & via invitation world-wide, online sessions via phone, ZOOM, FaceTime, WhatsApp, Skype, Teams, Google Hangouts, Facebook, a.o.
Professional Certifications & Licenses:
- Diploma in Luminous Healing and Shamanic Energy Medicine (from the Four Winds Light Body School, trained by Dr. Alberto Villoldo in Chile, Peru, Bolivia & in Yoshua Tree -- practitioner for 7 years)
- Master of Psychology (from the University of Hamburg & Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2002)
- Problem & Conflict Facilitator / Mediator (Prof. Alexander Redlich), Mentor for Personal Development (Prof. Bob Aubrey), Systems Approaches Facilitator (Prof. Fritz Simon), Process-oriented Coach (Dr. Arnold Mindell), Heart-centered Healing (Dr. Carlos Warter), Hypnotherapy & Autogenic Techniques (Dr. Dr. Flachsmeier)
- Further education & professional experiences: Leadership Coach and Change Facilitator for 20 years, Reserve Officer in the Logistics (management responsibility for 150 technicians & engineers, operations in Somalia UNOSOM II & Bosnia-Herzegovina SFOR – though, pacifist for 20 years!), Mechanic for Agricultural Machinery, B.A. Romance Languages and Literature (hobby!), Non-Profit activities:
Adjunct Lecturer for "Leadership and Personal Development": Jiaotong Shanghai, Kedge Marseille, PACT Tehran, Sup de Co La Rochelle, Tapovan Hyderabad, Associate Leadership Coach @ GlobalEduPals (Foundation for Education) in Cameroon, Advisory Board Member BEYA (Blockchain Start-up) & Colibri XR (Virtual Reality Startup)